DCPA (Dacthal) Herbicide

Weitz & Luxenberg is investigating cases of injuries from the chemical DCPA, also called Dacthal. We are accepting — as clients for pesticide lawsuits- people who developed severe injuries and birth defects after being exposed to DCPA. We anticipate hearing from farming families, who were endangered while working.

This toxic chemical may cause birth defects and severe injuries to children exposed to this substance in utero. If your clients were pregnant and exposed to this DCPA pesticide, please reach out to us. We want to help them get compensation for the injuries caused by this dangerous herbicide.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has suspended registering the herbicide “dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA or Dacthal) under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).” This has the effect of essentially making the herbicide banned.


DCPA Harms Infants

The EPA felt compelled to stop registrations of DCPA because of “unborn babies whose pregnant mothers are exposed to DCPA, sometimes without even knowing the exposure has occurred, could experience changes to fetal thyroid hormone levels.”
These injuries are typically linked to:

  • Low birth weight.
  • Impaired brain development.
  • Decreased IQ.
  • Impaired motor skills later in life that are potentially irreversible.

The danger of DCPA is so severe that the EPA used its emergency suspension authority for the first time in almost 40 years.

The “EPA estimates that some pregnant individuals handling DCPA products could be subjected to exposures four to 20 times greater than what EPA has estimated is safe for unborn babies.”


Exposure to DCPA can occur if your clients

  • Apply DCPA.
  • Live or work on a farm or facility where DCPA is applied
  • Live within one mile of a farm or facility where DCPA is applied.

If your clients were adversely affected by DCPA/Dacthal, please consider referring these cases


EPA Issues Emergency Order Regarding DCPA

DCPA is an approved herbicide for controlling weeds in a variety of settings, including agricultural. However, on August 6, 2024, the EPA issued “a Data Call-In (DCI) to AMVAC Chemical Corporation.” AMVAC is the manufacturer of DCPA. AMVAC has yet to adequately address the serious health risks for people who work with and around DCPA.

W&L Accepting Clients Exposed to DCPA

W&L is exploring lawsuits on behalf of clients who have been harmed by DCPA. These individuals may be entitled to compensation:

  • Women who are currently pregnant and were exposed to DCPA.
  • Women exposed to DCPA who gave birth to a child with low birth weight, developmental defects – or both in last 10 years.
  • Parents of children born in last 10 years with developmental defects, who were exposed to DCPA while in utero.