Covidien Hernia Mesh

Covidien Hernia Mesh Complications

Certain Covidien Parietex surgical mesh products, along with other manufacturer’s surgical mesh products, may be cause for concern when used in hernia repair procedures.

Although Covidien hernia mesh products have been approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for use in hernia repair procedures, the FDA has noted hernia surgical mesh devices may be linked with the development of complications.

FDA Notes Hernia Mesh Complications: Covidien hernia mesh complications can be similar to the complications for other FDA-approved hernia mesh devices. According to the FDA, some common complications that can occur with the use of hernia mesh include:


Hernia recurrence
Adhesions forming
Scar-like tissues that stick tissues together

Bowel obstruction – blockage of parts of the intestines

Other potential problems that can occur with the use of hernia mesh are:

  1. Mesh migration
  2. Mesh shrinkage

Hernia Mesh Events Reported to FDA May Lead to Recalls

When manufacturers of medical devices learn their products may have led or contributed to an adverse event, or may have malfunctioned, they are required by law to report these adverse events to the FDA.

The FDA also encourages patients, physicians, and others who encounter or experience an adverse event occurring with the use of a particular medical device to report that adverse event to the FDA’s MedWatch.

Sometimes, as the number of adverse events linked to a particular medical device mounts, manufacturers or the FDA may recall that product.

Certain Covidien Parietex Hernia Mesh Devices Linked to Adverse Events: Currently, the FDA MAUDE database includes reports of adverse events for some Covidien Parietex mesh products, such as:
Covidien Parietex Surgical Mesh.

Covidien Parietex Composite Mesh.


Covidien Parietex ProGrip Mesh.

Although some degree of pain and discomfort following a hernia repair surgery is not unusual, severe pain and other disabling complications could be indications of defective surgical mesh.

Did your client undergo a revision surgery to correct complications following his initial hernia repair procedure?

Or had your client engaged in a conversation with his physician in which they recommended a revision or corrective surgical procedure due to extreme complications following his hernia repair surgery?

In either of these instances, if your client received a Covidien hernia mesh implant, your client may be entitled to pursue compensation from Covidien.